Ana Carolina Peuker, Ph.D.
Psychologist. Specialist in Clinical Psychology. Master, PhD and Post Doctorate in Psychology, at the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), at the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Neurosciences and Behavior (LPNeC). She was professor at the Institute of Psychology (UFRGS). Post Doctorate in the Group of Advanced Studies in Health Psychology (GEAPSA/UNISINOS). Member of the Psychological Assessment Committee (CAP) of the Psychology Council of RS (CRP/07). Member of COVID-19 Task Force of the Brazilian Society of Psychology (SBP). CEO of Bee Touch, a mental health startup and co-creator of AVAX Psi, the first psychological assessment platform in Brazil.

Ana Cristina Resende, Ph.D.
Post-doctorate in Medical Psychology at UNIFESP, Ph.D. in Psychology at PUCRS, Master in Psychology and Psychologist at PUC GOIÁS. Professor of the Post-graduate Program in Stricto Sensu and Graduate in Psychology at PUC Goiás, and in the Post-graduate course in Psychological Assessment at IPOG. President of ASBRO. Member of the Comissão Consultiva de Avaliação Psicológica do CFP. Develops research in the areas: Fundamentals and Measures of Psychology, Personality Assessment and Projective Methods.

Ana Deyvis, Ph.D.
PhD in Psychology, with emphasis on Psychological Assessment in Universidade São Francisco (USF). Coordinator and professor of the Psychology course at the University Center for Science and Technology of Maranhão (UniFacema) and does research in partnership with the Ayrton Senna Institute (IAS) / SP. Researches issues related to pathological personality traits in the context of traffic.

Anna Elisa de Villemor-Amaral, Ph.D.
Graduated in Psychology at PUC-SP. Master's and Doctorate in Sciences at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP/EPM) and post-doctorate at the University of Savoia/France. Associate Professor at the Strico Sensu Graduate Program in Psychology at Universidade São Francisco and leader of the research group Psychological Assessment in Mental Health at CNPq. She is a CNPq 1C Productivity Scholar. She was a member of the Comissão Consultiva de Avaliação Psicológica of SATEPSI / CFP (2010 to 2012). She chaired the Brazilian Association of Rorschach and Projective Methods (2002 to 2006), and is now a member of its Advisory Board. She was coordinator of the ANPEPP Projective Methods WG (2008 to 2012). Ad hoc advisor to CNPq, FAPESP and CAPES. She is coordinator of the Laboratory for Psychological Assessment in Mental Health-LAPSaM. Associate Editor of the Rorschachiana magazine. Vice-coordinator of the Research Ethics Committee at Universidade São Francisco (CONEP). Member of the Advisory Committee on Psychology at CNPq. Certified by Therapeutic Assessment Institute (Texas, USA)

Andreia Mello de Almeida Schneider, Ph.D.
PhD in Psychology (UFRGS), she is a member of the Study and Application Group in Psychological Assessment (GEAPAP / UFRGS). Currently serves in private practice.

Ariela Costa, Ph.D.
Master and PhD. in Psychology in Universidade São Francisco (USF). Professor of Program Post-graduate in Forensic Psychology at the Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP). Associate editor of Revista Psicológica. Member of the Psychometric Research Group of ANPEPP. Ad-hoc partner of SATEPSI.

Carlos Manoel Lopes Rodrigues, MSc.
Psychologist graduated in Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Master and PhD student in Social Psychology of Work and Organizations in Universidade of Brasília. Adjunct Professor and Internship Supervisor in the area of psychological assessment at Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB. Researcher at the Laboratory of Research in Evaluation and Measurement - LabPam / UnB in the fields of Psychological Assessment, construction of instruments and worker health.

Carolina Campos, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor at the Department of Psychology and PPG in Psychology at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM). Post-doctorate in Psychological Assessment from Universidade São Francisco. She is a psychologist, Master and Doctor in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas-SP. Member of the board of the Brazilian Association of Creativity and Innovation (Criabrasilis) and the Brazilian Association of Positive Psychology (ABP+). She is a member of the Positive Psychology and Creativity Working Group of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Psychology (ANPEPP).

Claudio Hutz, Ph.D.
Psychologist, Master's and Ph.D. from the University of Iowa (USA) and Post-Doctorate at Arizona State University (USA). Full Professor at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), coordinator of the Measurement Laboratory at UFRGS. He was president of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Psychology (ANPEPP), the Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment (IBAP) and the Brazilian Association of Positive Psychology (ABP+). He was Head of Department, Coordinator of the PG Program and Director of the Psychology Institute at UFRGS. His lines of research are in the areas of Positive Psychology and Psychological Assessment. Published more than 200 articles, 30 books and 50 chapters

Clarissa Marceli Trentini, Ph.D.
Full Professor of Undergraduate and Post-graduate Courses in Psychology at UFRGS. PhD in Medical Sciences: Psychiatry (UFRGS). Master in Clinical Psychology (PUCRS). Specialist in Psychological Assessment (UFRGS). Coordinator of the Center for Studies in Psychological Assessment and Psychopathology (NEAPP). CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship, level 1C. Co-author of adaptations of measurement instruments in Psychological Assessment and one of the organizers of the Collection in Psychological Assessment.

Cristiane Faiad, Ph.D.
PhD in Psychology. Professor at the Department of Clinical Psychology and at the Graduate Program in Social, Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Brasília. Coordinator of LabPAM/UnB; Coordinator of the Research Group on Psychological Assessment in the Context of Public and Private Security (Profile Group) and Coordinator of the Research Center for Assessment and Social Technologies (Cepats). She works in research in the area of Psychometry, Psychological Assessment, mainly focused on the construction and evidence of validity of psychological instruments in different contexts.

Denise Bandeira, Ph.D.
Master and PhD in Psychology from the Federal University of Rio Grandedo Sul (UFRGS). Psychologist, full professor of the undergraduate course and the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Institute of Psychology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Coordinator of the Psychological Assessment and Research Study Group (GEAPAP-UFRGS) and the Psychological Assessment Center (UFRGS). Current director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Research and Health Care at the Institute of Psychology (UFRGS).

Emerson Diógenes de Medeiros, Ph.D.
Master and Doctor in Social Psychology (Universidade Federal da Paraíba). He is currently a researcher at UFDPar, where he works in Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in Psychology. His interests are in the area of Social Psychology and Personality and Psychometry.

Fernanda Gonçalves, Ph.D.
Ph.D. in mental health for the Institute of Psychiatry at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Master in psychological assessment. Researcher at the Federal University of Rio and the Estácio de Sá University. Coordinator of the Psychology course at Estácio de Sá University, Nova Iguaçu campus and professor at Estácio de Sá and UNIBTA universities. Editor of the journal Psicologia e Conexão and Director of Fgs Consultoria.

Fernando Silveira, Ph.D.
Graduated in Psychology and specialized in Neuropsychology at CEPSIC – HCFMUSP. Master and Doctor in Psychology in Universidade São Francisco (USF) with a concentration area in Psychological Assessment, scholarship by CAPES. Clinical Director and psychotherapist at Clínica Luria - Therapeutic Space, Development and Research, working in the neuropsychological assessment and stimulation of individuals with developmental delay, in the treatment of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), in learning disorders and behavioral changes, as well as in neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation of adults and the elderly. He is currently coordinator of the Specialization in Neuropsychology at the Instituto de Pós-graduação e Graduação (IPOG), where he also serves as a professional internship supervisor in Neuropsychology. Beside that, he is the coordinator of the Specialization in ABA Intervention applied to the Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability, and author of Turma da Luria: Practical Guide to Child Intervention by Editora Vetor.

Jaqueline de Carvalho Rodrigues, Ph.D.
Psychologist, Specialist in Neuropsychology (CRP 07/19832). Master and Doctor in Psychology from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Studies in Cognitive Neuropsychology (NEUROCOG – UFRGS). Assistant Professor at the Escola de Saúde at the University do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). He has clinical and research experience in the areas of neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation.

Lara Barbosa, MSc.
Psychologist from the Universidade de Brasília (UNB). Master and Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology and Culture (PPGPsiCC) at the Universidade de Brasília (UNB). Researcher at LabPAM/UnB and at the Center for Research in Evaluation and Social Technologies (Cepats) at the University of Brasília (UNB). Experienced in carrying out Scientific Study of Position (Profisiography) especially in the context of public safety. She works in research aimed at psychological assessment and has experience in the construction of psychological instruments.

Lívia Rocha
Psychologist and Neuropsychologist. Specialist in Psychological Assessment (IPOG / AL). Specialist in Neuropsychology (IPOG/AL). Specialist student´s in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Training in Sensory Perception Development, Body Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents, Group Psychotherapy with Children, Family Psychotherapy, Individual Psychotherapy, Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment in Children, Adolescents and Adults. Supervision of Clinical Cases, Facilitator of Psychological Assessment Courses, Child Psychodiagnosis, Drawing Interpretation and Ludotherapy. Creator of Instituto Cantinho do Psicólogo, Author of Therapeutic Resources at Editora Cantinho do Psicólogo and Distributor of Editors Vetor, Pearson and Hogrefe.

Lucas de Francisco Carvalho, Ph.D.
Lucas de Francisco Carvalho is professor in the stricto-sensu graduate program in psychological assessment at Universidade São Francisco (USF). He is a CNPq productivity fellow. He is editor-in-chief of Psico-USF magazine. He was president of the Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment (IBAP). Develops research in the area of personality and personality disorders, developing evaluative (IDCP-2, IDCP-screening, among others) and diagnostic (E-TRAP) tools, as well as studies focused on behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic associated with adherence containment and vaccine measures.

Maria Andréia da Nóbrega Marques, Ph.D.
Graduated in Psychology in the Universidade Estadual do Piauí (UESPI), Doctorate and Post-Doctorate in Psychology from the University São Francisco, Master in Education in the Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), Specialization in Higher Education, Specialization in Gestalt Therapy and Specialization in Neuropsychology. Clinical neuropsychologist and psychotherapist from a gestalt perspective. Rehabilitation manager of the Integrated Rehabilitation Center. Neuropsychologist of the Neurosurgery Team with Awake Patient at Hospital São Marcos. Adjunct Professor at UESPI and professor at Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho. Leader and researcher of the research group Research Group on Neuroscience, Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation at UESPI.

Phillipe Vieira, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist (CRP 04/31114). Ph.D.in Psychological Assessment focused on Mental Health from the Universidade de São Francisco (USF), with part of his doctorate from the California School of Professional Psychology, in San Diego (USA). He has a specialization in Psychological Assessment and Diagnosis from PUC-MG. He works as a clinical psychologist, Psychodiagnostic supervisor and professor in the area of Psychological Assessment nationwide. Member of Therapeutic Assessment Institute and Society for Personality Assessment. In Brazil, he is a member of the Brazilian Association of Rorschach and Projective Methods (ASBRo).

Renan Pereira Monteiro, Ph.D.
Doctor in Social Psychology and professor at the Universidade Federal University do Mato Grosso, working in undergraduate and master's degrees in Psychology. Has carried out research in the area of dark personality, construction and adaptation of psychometric instruments.

Roberto Cruz (UFSC), Ph.D.
Psychologist, specialist in psychological assessment, ergonomics and occupational psychology, doctor in production engineering, post-doctorate in Methods and Diagnosis and Molecular Medicine. He is currently a professor and researcher at the Department and Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Leader of the Human Factors Laboratory (UFSC) and researcher at the Center for Research in Neuropsychology in Health (University Hospital-UFSC). Lines of research: 1) construction and adaptation of methods and instruments for the assessment of psychophysiological, psychological and psychosocial processes; 2) evaluation of clinical and epidemiological aspects in occupational health; assessment and management of human factors in isolated, confined and extreme environments (ICE). Consultant in occupational health and safety programs, expert psychologist.

Sérgio Eduardo Silva de Oliveira, Ph.D.
Psychologist (UNILAVRAS, 2009), specialist in psychological assessment (UFRGS, 2014), master in psychology (UFRGS, 2012) and doctor in psychology (UFRGS, 2016). He did a doctoral internship at the University of Minnesota under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Robert Frank Krueger. He is an adjunct professor at the Department of Clinical Psychology (PCL) and at the Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology and Culture (PsiCC) at the University of Brasília (UnB). At UnB, he is the founder and coordinator of the Center for Studies in Clinical Psychological Assessment (NEAPSIC) and the Psychological Assessment Service (SAPsi). He is an associate member of the Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment (IBAP) and is part of the international consortium of researchers of the hierarchical taxonomy model of psychopathology (HiTOP model).

Sônia Rovinski, Ph.D.
Post-doctorate in Psychological Assessment (UFRGS). PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology (University of Santiago de Compostela / revalidated PUC-RS). Master in Social and Personality Psychology (PUC-RS). Specialist in Legal Psychology (CFP) and Specialist in Criminology (PUC-RS).

Vivian Lago, Ph.D.
Post-doctorate in Psychology at UFRGS. Psychologist specialized in Legal Psychology. Assistant Professor at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Develops work as a technical assistant in Family Courts. Partner owner of Expertise - Evaluation and Training in Psychology.

Tatiana Nakano, Ph.D.
Professor of the stricto sensu graduate program in Psychology at PUC-Campinas, researcher in the line of Instruments and Processes in Psychological Assessment. Post Doctorate at Universidade São Francisco (2009) and Doctorate in Psychology as a Profession and Science (2006) by PUC-Campinas. CNPq Level 2 Productivity Researcher. She works mainly in the area of Psychological Assessment, Creativity, High Skills / Giftedness, Intelligence, Socio-emotional Skills and Positive Psychology. Former President of the Brazilian Association of Creativity and Innovation (Criabrasilis, 2014-2017), collaborating member of the Brazilian Council for Giftedness (Conbrasd, 2018-2020) and member of the Positive Psychology and Creativity working group at Anpepp.